It’s that time of year where you’re either receiving your college acceptance letters or watching your classmates receive theirs- so many of your classmates are committing to their college of choice. But not everyone is.
There are a number of students around this time considering the idea of not going right into college. It can be a difficult and maybe scary choice to make when it’s so different from what most everyone around you is choosing to do. After high school, it can seem like the only next step is college. But what if that’s not your next step?
There are a number of students who are choosing to take a break after high school before continuing their education. This is referred to as a gap year. There are many reasons one might make this decision. Some feel overwhelmed with the entire process, some feel unprepared, or don’t yet know what they would like to go to college for. Some people just really aren’t ready to jump right into another 2, 4, or 6 years of education.
If you’re someone who is feeling this way, you’re not alone! Join the growing number of students in the US that are choosing their own path by taking a gap year!
What is a Gap Year?
So what exactly is a gap year? A gap year is “a semester or year of experiential learning, typically taken after high school and prior to career or post-secondary education, in order to deepen one’s practical, professional, and personal awareness” ( If you’re feeling nervous about making the decision to enroll in a gap year program, let us highlight some of the benefits.
According to the Gap Year Association, taking a gap year challenges you to evaluate and mold your personal beliefs, while learning more about those of others’. You make your own version of success instead of following the routine path set before you. By taking that time, rather than being surrounded by more students doing the same thing you’re doing, you take a step into the world where things are happening. Your scope of life goes from a focus on yourself and just getting through college, to a focus on the world that is going on around you and what you can do with your education in this large world.
Those are just a few of the personal benefits, but there are also multiple academic benefits. Statistics show us that students who take a gap year tend to perform better in college or secondary education. Gap Year Alumni don’t struggle as much with academic burnout and have a reignited sense of curiosity which serves as a catalyst for their learning (
What is Dynamy?
There are clear benefits to taking a gap year, but there is something else that can make this experience even richer. Dynamy is a program that has been helping students get the most out of their gap year since 1969! Our mission is to challenge, support and empower young people to discover their purpose in life and to prepare for their future. Dynamy is one of the oldest and most well-known gap year programs in the United States!
Dynamy is the oldest domestic gap year program in the United States that offers residential living and internships for its students. Unlike other gap year options, Dynamy focuses on independent living and real-world work experience through a thoughtful, experiential approach to learning and living.

Top 5 Reasons to Choose Dynamy as Your Gap Year Program!
- Career exploration and personal passion discovery – At Dynamy, you’ll have the opportunity to choose from 100+ unique internship opportunities. The internship opportunities span numerous career fields such as: culinary, craftsmanship, government, arts, marketing, radio, TV, science & biotechnology, web design, childcare, and much more!
- Gain Independence – Dynamy offers a hands on approach to helping students find their own way. The key components of Dynamy’s independent living experience include apartment living, practical life skills and city living. Living in an emerging city, you’ll further be able to explore passions and hobbies. Worcester, MA is one of the fastest growing cities in the United States. With a unique and variety-filled restaurant scene, music venues, sports teams and more, you can explore the city and your interests in a vibrant city.
- One on One Advising – Throughout your experiences with internships, and independent living, you’ll have a mentor to help guide you through the process. Each student has a personal advisor that acts as a life coach, mentor, cheerleader, etc. and supports the student and their journey both during and post Dynamy.
- Learn to Live Outside Your Comfort Zone – Dynamy is full of unique experiences that will challenge you and inspire you to take on things you never thought you were capable of. The Adventure Challenge is how every Dynamy student begins their journey. During this short backpacking adventure through the mountains of Maine, students will hike, canoe and bond through wilderness exploration. While challenging, at the end of the Dynamy experience it is routinely rated as the best experience according to students!
- Be Prepared for Life After Dynamy – Every aspect of the Dynamy experience is aimed at further preparing you for life after Dynamy. After all, what good would the experience be if you weren’t more prepared for what comes next? With these new experiences under your belt, you’ll feel more confident and ready to take on whatever comes next, whether it be college or a career!
Every person learns differently and everyone has a different path through life. Gap year programs are growing in popularity each year by high school graduates and emerging adults. “Traditional” options like college are becoming less traditional. As a young adult who does not think college is the right next step for you right now – that can be a scary proposition. Luckily, there are options out there for you to learn, explore and grow in the form of gap year options.
Dynamy is a gap year program that focuses on your growth and challenges you to take healthy risks through internship exploration, independent living, mentoring and much more. Reach out to our Admissions team to learn if Dynamy is the right choice for you!
“What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” -Mary Oliver