The Dynamy Family
Hear From Our Past Students
Welcome to our alumni page! You’re likely here because Dynamy impacted you positively, whether through the deep friendships, life lessons, or discovering your passion for a career. We would love to reconnect with you and swap life stories! Whether you lived in apartments on Russell, Merrick, Queen, Highland, Elm or Cedar Streets; whether you swear by the Boynton, the Pickle Barrel, or Blue Jeans; whether you refer to the adventure challenge trip as North Country, Hurricane Island, Bryant Pond or “the best thing I never want to do again”; you’re a Dynamy Internship Year alumnus!
Welcome back. Take a look around. You’ll see the core elements put in place in 1969 haven’t changed much, even if beards were in, out, and are back again now. Want proof? Check out our photos on our social media pages!
Ready to re-connect? We’d love to hear from you, whether you just want to track down a handful of your classmates from way back when, are wondering if we know anyone in a certain field, or city, or if you want in on working with us to host a virtual or real reunion. By staying connected with Dynamy we hope that you can hold onto memories and maintain friendships formed during your time here. We would love to hear updates about your lives and what you are now to!

Dynamy changed my life, I am a completely different person than I was a year ago, and it has all been for the better.

Years later I still hold my year in Worcester as the most transformative and important year of my life.
David Kloc,

This year provided her with focus and motivation to set goals as she took the next step beyond Dynamy.
Prudy Heilner, Parent

It’s a very supportive environment that’s helped me grow and gain direction in life.
Kate McDermott, Alum

When I graduated from Dynamy in 1998, I knew that it had been one of the most important experiences of my life. … I carry the lessons that I learned during my year in Worcester, and apply them every day.
Josh Flowerman,
Class of 1998

In August I dropped off an anxious and insecure child. In May I picked up a happy and confident young man who is excited to be heading to College this Fall. … What more could I possibly ask for? …Dynamy, this was the best decision we ever made.
Susan Shelling, Parent
Class of 2019

There is no one size fits all model at Dynamy. Cam’s experience at Dynamy didn’t just help him to get to know who he is, he was encouraged to be himself, and to celebrate himself as he moved through this transformative time. Most importantly, it helped him to like himself and respect himself for all he is. …I’ve always been proud of him. What means more to me than anything is now HE is proud of who he is and what he can accomplish.
Kristin Brigham, Parent
Class of 2019

During my time at Dynamy I found out not only what I wanted to do, but how much I could do. The program gave me the supported freedom to explore my interests and realize the extent of my strengths.
Kate Wheatcroft, Alum
Class of 2005

Our favorite part of working with Dynamy students is watching their confidence grow as they discover skills that didn’t know they had. Knowing that confidence will help them build a future career is an amazing feeling!
Amy Lynn Chase,
Crompton Collective

A Dynamy sponsor has many different roles with the most important being to help the students develop the real-world skills they need to function in a career… I want to assist students in learning about their passions and be a mentor for them as they move along their path.
Andrew Mahoney, Director of Business Development at Comportz Technologies

The Dynamy program gave me the knowledge that I needed to excel in a world outside of the Ivory Tower. …I got to actually reflect on what I wanted to do and — more importantly — on who I wanted to be. You need to slow down before you can speed up.
Class of 2005

Dynamy has been a valuable step in my daughter’s journey into adulthood. I dropped off a young woman who was completely apprehensive about her future ….The result was a daughter with a greater understanding of herself, increased confidence, and enthusiasm for her future and her place in the world. As a mother, I couldn’t have asked for more.
Dawn Tibbals, Parent
Class of 2019

We are very grateful for our daughter’s initiative to find the Dynamy opportunity and for the excellent staff at Dynamy who were involved, loving and skilled at helping her throughout the year.
Ken Marbleston,
Class of 2019

Dynamy provided an ideal balance of structure, caring supervision and opportunities for independence, and helped prepare Noa for success in college. I recommend the program wholeheartedly.
Cynthia Mann, Parent
Class of 2019

During my time at Dynamy I found out not only what I wanted to do, but how much I could do. The program gave me the supported freedom to explore my interests and realize the extent of my strengths.
Kate Wheatcroft, Alum
Class of 2005

Over the course of the year, his growth in confidence and independence was remarkable, and he is looking forward to attending Westfield State University this Fall.
Lauren Seeley, Parent
Class of 2017
Additional Information

Our advisors help students pursue goals, reflect on learning, and to learn to make the best decisions for the life students want for themselves.

Independent Living
Interns gain independence and freedom in apartment style living, while advisors and residential coordinators have their own apartments on the property.

Student Life
Dynamy interns will be able to explore all of the opportunities Worcester has to offer, while participating in a variety of community services.