Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible as an intern for our domestic gap-year program, the following is required:
- Dynamy interns must have completed a high school education and be between the ages of 17-22.
- Students must be able to work independently at their internship for 28 hours a week, Tuesday through Friday, for roughly seven hours each day.
- Students are required to attend life skills workshops every Monday.
- Students need to have that capacity to live independently in apartments with other Dynamy students. They are responsible for their own meals, cleaning and managing their schedule so that they are able to uphold internship responsibilities.
- Students need to meet weekly with their internship advisor to discuss progress and post Dynamy plans.
- Students must be compliant and self-regulated with their medication.
- Students must be in good mental health standing with no hospitalizations/ intensive treatment programs in the last year for mental health, substance abuse, self-harm, or eating disorders as Dynamy is not a therapeutic program.
- Dynamy emphasizes that students must choose to participate in our Internship Year program. Dynamy does not accepted students who are mandated to enroll by parents, the courts, or other third parties.
Dynamy Internship Year fosters a community of inclusiveness and is committed to honoring the uniqueness of each individual. Dynamy does not discriminate against any staff, student, applicant or internship sponsor based on race, gender, gender identity, religious beliefs, political beliefs, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
*For specific questions regarding student fit please contact Dynamy at admissions@dynamy.org or 508-755-2571
Additional Information

Attend our events to learn more about Dynamy, such as information sessions, tours, open house, USA gap year fairs, parent’s day, or at high school visits and college fairs.

tuition & aid
Internship Year enrollment options include the Full Year, Fall Semester, & Spring Semester. The majority of our students participate in the Full Year.

In 1969, three innovative leaders founded Dynamy after realizing the limited options for the youth in their transition from high school into the real world.