A partnership with Clark university
Earn College Credits
College Courses
We partner with Clark University (a private research university here in Worcester recognized on the list of the “Colleges That Change Lives”) to offer optional college courses to our students.
Clark University college courses allow students the opportunity to begin or continue earning college credit, gain first-hand experience managing a more rigorous academic workload, and develop more effective study skills and habits in a low-risk, supportive learning environment.
These three sociology-based courses are designed specifically for Dynamy Internship Year students and are instructed by our own qualified staff, offering individualized support as needed. Classes meet one evening per week here on our campus, and are open exclusively to DIY students.
Running one seminar at a time in alignment with our three internship cycles, each is a one unit (four-credit hours equivalent) course. They can be taken in any combination and are designed to be progressive for students who take more than one. Many of our full-year students choose to enroll in all three college courses, earning 12 credits total! See below for a description of each:
Fall Term: Organizational Behavior
This course examines how organizations work well, and not so well. Included is a discussion of topics such as the psychological contract (the unwritten and often unspoken expectations of employer and employee) as well as group dynamics, work/life balance, workplace culture, and learning organizations. Throughout, students reflect on and analyze their individual internship and work experiences to derive meaningful correlations to the course content and apply new ideas to their real-world experiences.

Winter Term: Social Identity and Personal Action
This course explores the idea that each individual’s identity in a social group is informed not only by a compilation of personal traits, but also the larger society. Students will seek to answer questions surrounding whether or not identity can change over time and how one’s identity translates into taking action on issues one cares about. As the course arrives at its conclusion, students are invited to determine if there is greater action they wish to take in bringing about social change.
Spring Term: Issues of Race, Class and Gender
This course is designed to provide an overview of the study of race, class, and gender and related social constructs in American society. Students explore how these social identity categories extend beyond individual experience, operating as central components within our society. Students examine the intersectionality of gender, race, ethnicity, class, and discuss whether or not these categories are truly constructed and the complex issues that arise when power dynamics and social inequality are introduced. Finally, students broaden their understanding of themselves and their unique social location by drawing from their internship, community, and independent living experiences.

Additional Information

Monday Programming
Monday Programming is designed to support student learning through a variety of multimodal sessions to relay pertinent life skills and learning objectives.

Adventure Challenge
Every Dynamy student’s path begins with a little adventure. Fun team building games, high ropes, low ropes, over the water, through the woods, into the trees.. your journey starts here.

Internship Options
Dynamy has 100+ internships offered to our students. Full year students have the chance to complete three internships. Each student has the oportunity to gain a world of experience.